Are my hamsters trying to have babies? Because I kinda walked-in on them when they were umm, well I don't have to say it here, but they were actually "in business" when I walked into my room earlier today.
Are they even ready to have babies? I'm going to separate them tomorrow. Yup, I AM!
I'm no expert when it comes to hamsters, but the internet helped a lot! I learned a few things though. But here's something that I read and experimented right away:
When a you stroke a female hamster on her back, and she just stayed there, flat on her belly with her tail sticking upright, umm she may be in "heat" which means she's ready to "do business".
And Muffin did! =/ errr~ and now she's all over Scotch, like readying herself to "do business". =/ ooooookaaayyy~
But if there's one thing I'm sure of, Scotch was definitely "doing business" with her earlier. Should I let them? Are they mature enough? *pffftt* Mature or not, I'm definitely separating them for a while. I'll do that first thing in the morning. I'm really tired right now, I need some shut-eye.
I hope they're not trying to HAVE babies. I don't mind, but I'm too busy with home renovation right now, and also concentrating on Shaggy's medications, not to mention "WORK". I can't handle everything right now or my migraine might come back.
Go to bed already, will ya!
Good night, everyone =)
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on Monday, January 11, 2010
at Monday, January 11, 2010
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