Wellllllll . . .
Yesterday I mentioned that I would separate the hamsters. And I did. They're both in their individual cages. now Good thing I bought a few cages (I'm indecisive, so I have all sizes from small to big). I have three cages actually. I lend my fiance the small one, so I have the medium & big ones here with me. And I also bought TWO "homes" for them in their cages. I've read how hamsters love hiding. One looks like a cottage, and another also looks like a cottage except it has a tower where I can store food for them. And it has a sign which says "RESTAURANT".
So anyway, back to topic: I separated them this morning. So now I can't help feeling guilty =( becauseeee? Because they've always been together ever since I bought them from that nice dude. I've never separated them. They're always doing things together. Running on the ball together, sleeping together, eating together. They're practically twins . . . *sighh*
When I got home from work, Muffin still hasn't come out of the small cottage, and Scotch is still in the restaurant. And now that Scotch is out of hiding, the fur on his face are . . . sticking up =/ What is up with that? Is he stressed out because Muffin's not around? Is Muffin as stressed out as he is, too? She still won't come out of her cottage.
I hope this is normal. I don't wanna lose them both. But this separation is for their own good, right? Right. I hope I'm right.
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on Tuesday, January 12, 2010
at Tuesday, January 12, 2010
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